2222 North College Street, Auburn, AL 36830 334-844-8091 email: [email protected] website: auburn.edu/preserve
MG Project Leader: Margaret Holler MG Project Description: The Kreher Butterfly Garden is located at the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center, a non-profit, outreach facility of Auburn University School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences. The center offers education, recreation, and leisure resources to the communities of Auburn, Opelika, Lee County and the entire region while helping to fulfill the mission of the center: “to promote a sense of stewardship towards nature.”
The Butterfly Garden is easily accessed by a short walking trail leading from the Preserve’s north parking lot. Upon entering the garden, visitors will see a variety of nectar and host plants that have been selected to entice butterflies, caterpillars, bees, hummingbirds and other pollinators. The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Alabama’s state butterfly, enjoys the garden’s butterfly bushes, joe pye weed, coneflowers and other nectar flowers. A few other butterflies that are regularly seen include the gulf fritillary, pipervine swallowtail, zebra swallowtail, red spotted purples, red-banded hairstreak, spicebush swallowtail, pearl crescent, and American lady. The garden is also a way station for the monarch’s migration. It has everything monarchs need which includes several species of their host plant, Milkweed.
Lee County Master Gardeners volunteer at the garden on a weekly basis to tend the plots, trim the bushes and trees, remove invasive plants and share information with visitors to the Preserve.
If you'd like to volunteer call 334-740-8548 to leave a message for Margaret Holler.