Lee County Master Gardeners Association, a local 501(c)3 organization, depends on fundraising and donations to help finance and maintain many of our projects and community volunteering activities. If you care to make a donation please choose from the options below or call the Lee County Extension Office at 334-749-3353.
Here is a list of just a few of our past and present activities: Lee County Master Gardeners Association runs a spring through fall "Phone Help Line" for Gardeners, answering your questions, volunteers work on Research Projects, participate in Community Landscaping Projects, give Public Presentations and Programs, assist teachers with Classroom Gardening Projects, grow plants for and work at the Spring Plant Sale to support the Food Bank, support Scholarships for Horticulture Students, and present a Biennial Garden Tour of exceptional gardens in our county, highlighting local plants and practices useful for our area. Visit "Our Projects" page for more details.
Contact Us
Donor/Sponsor Levels
Mighty Oak ................ $1000, and up
Magnolia ................... $500 - $999
Dogwood ................... $250 - $499
Azalea ....................... $100 - $249
Woodland Phlox ............ $50 - $99
Acorn .......................... up to $49
We thank all of our past and future supporters who make our projects and programs possible.